This Blog was created to help people solve bar code and data collection applications with Microscan bar code readers and vision systems.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Add a stack light to the MS Connect

Adding an Allen Bradley 24 volt LED stack light to the Microscan MS Connect w/display, makes it a great stand along code matching system or operator interface.

Make use of the 3 ouptuts for Good read/Match, No read, Mismatch, Trend Analysis, etc..

Plenty of visual feedback to the operator w/built in speaker. Plug in dry contact relays or capture a pulse for your PLC.

Works with all Microscan products.

Plus you can plug in a 5 volt hand held.

Contact us for more information

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Multiple characters in the Preamble or Postamble

The Microscan MSQ is one of the few handhelds where you can program more than 2 characters in the preamble or postamble. This comes in handy if you’re sending ASCII strings to another device like a display or a Microscan fixed mount scanner.

Greg Hilbert

Program the New Master via Handheld on the MS Connect

Set the Mini or other Microscan scanner’s Aux port mode to command processing. Connect the Microscan MSQ to the Aux port connectors in the MS Connect box. Match the serial port settings. Add <K231,1, to the preamble or whatever the leading encapsulation needs to be – email us for the particular scanner command. Set the post amble to >.

Use output 2 for Noread on the 860

It says it on the spec sheet but it doesn’t make sense. For whatever reason, output 2 can only be used in a noread situation. You can make outputs 1 and 3 fire on a noread but you can’t make output 2 fire on a mismatch or anything other than a noread.