This Blog was created to help people solve bar code and data collection applications with Microscan bar code readers and vision systems.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

FW: Match code in MS-820 daisy chain

MS-820 will not match slave data. Here's a table of daisy chain
functions I made a few years ago:

Scanner Software # Match code Ordered output Output
formatting S&E Trigger
Quadrus EZ 35-676001-17 Yes No Yes No*
MS-880 35-558001-17 Yes Yes** Yes No*
MS-850 35-338501-17 No N/A N/A N/A
MS-820 35-338201-17 No N/A N/A N/A
MS-911 35-559001-22 Yes N/A N/A N/A
MS-3 Laser 35-343001-13 No N/A N/A Yes***
MS-860 35-338601-14 Yes
* When S&E are set to any value other than NULL, the S&E
triggers are sent to the slave instead of the serial trigger character.

** Code type function is not applied to slave data

***using S&E, the serial trigger character is sent to the slave.

Juan Worle
Technical Service Representative
Ph: (425) 226-5700 x1156
Fx: (425) 254-9295
Microscan Systems, Inc.
1201 SW 7Th St
Renton, WA 98055