This Blog was created to help people solve bar code and data collection applications with Microscan bar code readers and vision systems.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

How to read RSS Composite with the Quadrus EZ

Since an RSS composite code is made by combining an RSS bar code and a MicroPDF bar code, you’d think you would have to enable them both on the EZ and then under composite have it set to required.

But you actually just enable the RSS and then set composite to required and don’t enable MicroPDF at all.

For speed, put the EZ in fast linear and make sure the code is lined up. Create a 2nd IP database entry for standard mode just in case it’s not lined up.

Contact us for help on this

Match code with the Microscan MS820 and daisy chain

Special firmware exists that allows you to do code matching with a daisy chained set of 820’s.

Email us for help on this

Mini Firmware 14 fixes AUX port issues

Microscan recently releases firmware version 14 for the Quadrus Mini that resolves the issues with enabling the AUX port via their ESP software. Previously, you had to send it a K command via the terminal window.

Email us for the rev 14 fix